Monday, July 1, 2019


July 1, 2019
The Kurgats are the Best!   


This week had been the most heart filling week and my testimony on Eternal Families has grown so much. How incredible is it that the one thing that matters most to us in this life, we can have forever. God truly is our Loving Heavenly Father. 

Our yummy Kenya meal and of course the Book of Mormon!

We watched the Restoration Movie with the Pengels and a family from the ward, the Asays. The Spirit was so strong and after Brother and Sister Asay bore the most genuine testimonies about the truth of the Gospel with the Pengels. We invited everyone to pray that night and ask God if He really called Joseph Smith to be a Prophet.

Wednesday we had a lesson with the Pengels and followed up on them praying. There is truly nothing greater in this world that hearing someone testify of the truth the spirit manifested to them. They prayed as a family and as individuals. Wilnide was smiling so big and kept saying "did you feel it guys? did you feel it when we prayed?! It was amazing!" My heart was so full, they know it's true! 

Christyn came with us to a lesson because she decided she wants to go on a mission in a few years
That night we taught them about temples and eternal families. They tell us to picture our friends we are teaching in white the day of their baptism, but I was literally brought to tears picturing the day they come out of the temple sealed as an eternal family. That is going to be a glorious day.
I can not explain the spirit that was there and how powerful it was to testify to them of the reality that one day they can be eternal! 

Friday we went and cooked with this other amazing family we are teaching, the Kurgats! They are from Kenya and are the most genuine people in the world! They are the most open minded people and every time we teach them they are blown away. They say "wow, that is incredible! He came to America? There is Prophets and Apostles today? You just want to give us more and help us come to Christ, that's incredible!" All of that, with their think accents makes me so happy! We cooked and disused the Book of Mormon and the Gospel for almost 2 hours! It was the most genuine Gospel conversation I have ever had. Edwin the Father, prayed over the food and in his prayer he said "Father everything we have heard today we know comes from you and the spirit has born witness of it today. please help us be open minded and continue to find truth." At this point I was smiling SO big and tried fighting back the tears. They agreed to read a chapter of the Book of Mormon every day. I know they will accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ one day. 

Both of these families have changed my life. Both went out of town this weekend and missed church. Usually during the sacrament I reflect on my week and see how The Savior carried me, give thanks for that and how to let my Savior strengthen me more. But this week ALL I could think about was them! I just wanted them to be there so bad!!. Parts of talks would stand out and I would think how much they would love it. All I wanted was for them was to have this Perfect Gospel. 

That is why I love my mission, it truly is never about me. I have felt my Redeemers love in a whole new way this week as I have pleaded for Him to bring these families to the truth. I now have a broader glimpse into why He gave Himself for us. He loves us, He wants us home and He knew there was only one way to do that. I would do anything to have these special families in the Gospel, I love them more than I knew possible. And its because it's the love of Christ. Please pray for them!!

I love Him, I love His Gospel and I am so grateful to assist Him in sharing it. There is nothing greater than bringing people you love to the truth. I am forever Honored to be a Missionary! I love y'all so much!

The pengels left for a week and to make sure they had the Spirit and love form their Sisters, we made daily contact envelopes for everyday they are gone. The most sister missionary extra thing I have ever done lol but they send us their answers and read daily! 

Love Sister Schultz 💛

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