Monday, January 28, 2019


January 28, 2019

Alabama is freezing but you better believe we still bike! because miracles happen!!

Hello all y'all lovely people!!! 

This week has been incredible!! So many miracles my heart just can't take it!! I love being a missionary!!! 

Yesterday was truly one of the best days of my mission!! For the past few weeks people haven't been coming  to church and I was so sad because I literally live for church! especially the Sacrament! Can't survive without it!! So I was so sad that no one was coming!! But yesterday while we were singing the opening Hymn, THREE PEOPLE CAME!!!! 

I don't think my heart has ever felt so much joy before!! The greatest thing is seeing someone come closer to the Lord for the first time. Whether it is reading the Book of Mormon, praying or coming to church! It is so incredible to see God's Children coming to Him. It is the best thing about being a missionary and wow was my heart full to see them come!! 
Alabama is so beautiful! 
One was named Joanna! She is amazing!! We met her on monday tracting. I love to knock doors its my favorite thing and I felt so strongly that we needed to go tracking in Hanceville which is like 20 minutes away. So we drove out there and It kinds sounds funny to drive somewhere just to knock doors but I knew we needed to. Sure enough the last house we knocked on was Joanns! She is stinkin adorable and we were able to make an appointment. We came on Thursday, taught the restoration and invited her to read the Book of Mormon and come to church! AND SHE CAME ON SUNDAY!!! It was a miracle! Literally Golden!! We talked with her forever in the parking lot and answered all her questions! She had done research but went to to do it!! literally I can't get over how amazing she is and how God truly is in the details of our lives! 

Heather came back from her mission in Cali on Wednesday and so she just hangs out with us all day! She is amazing and it made me realized how fast missions go!! 
We helped our neighbor move and she gave us a bunch of things!! we gave them to so many people we are teaching haha and we were able to give her a Book of Mormon! Miracles!! 
The other one that came was Josh! He has had some pretty hard trials in his life! We talked to him after church and he was so happy! Said it was the first time he has felt the spirit in years!! He wants to come every week and already made friends with so many members! We told him about mutual and he wants his girls to come!! We gave him a Book of Mormon and he apologized because he said its going to take him a few weeks to read it because he sometimes stutters! At this point I literally couldn't contain my joy and was smiling SO BIG!! I was like "Josh that will be amazing if you read it in a few weeks!! please do that!" We are going over tomorrow to teach the restoration!! I'm so pumped he is so prepared!!! 
Love Sister Bodily!!!
During the Sacrament I was just looking at these amazing people, members and our new friends that came, and I was thinking back to all the hard times the past few weeks. I was so grateful for every single hardship and trail! In that moment I realized my Savior delivered me, brought me so much more JOY! It was so worth the pain and struggle because the JOY that came after over powered it all! 

I was thinking about Almas conversion story, from the Book of Mormon, and then I opened up mine right to it! It says 
18 Now, as my mind caught hold upon this thought, cried within my heart: Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitternessand am encircled about by the everlasting chains of death.
19 And now, behold, when thought this, could remember my pains no moreyea, was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more.
20 And oh, what joyand what marvelous light did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!
21 Yea, say unto you, my sonthat there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again say unto you, my son, that othe other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweeas was my joy.
Sis bodily and I are getting soooo good at cooking haha
That is what Jesus Christ gives us! This PROMISED HOPE, that no matter what you're going through, the trials at hand, HE WILL DELIVER YOU! And you will realize that the JOY that is coming is so much greater than any pain you've faced! It might take days, weeks, months or even years and with Christ you will be able to make it!! 

Then me and sis bodily because I love her so stinkin much!!
I love my Savior!! He means everything to me!! I love being a missionary!! I love the south so much, i'm highly considering moving here forever (sorry mom haha) I just love these people more than I ever thought possible! I was writing to my mission president today and just started crying in the library! I never not want to be a missionary!! I'm so honored to serve my Savior!! I love all of y'all so much!!! Keep moving forward and know that Christ is there.

have a blessed week! 

-Sister Schultz!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

I Now Have the Faith to FAIL because that is when you learn!!

January 23, 2019

Just a donkey in Alabama!

Hello!!! Wow today has been incredible!!!!

We had a car training this morning so we had to be here at 11 and then we went to the 1pm session in the temple!!! WOW I LOVE THE TEMPLE!!!! Y'ALL NEED TO GO TOMORROW!!!!!

Then after we were sitting in the Celestial room! WOW IM SO GRATEFUL TO BE SERVING NOW!! God is so aware of me and truly knows my heart! Being a missionary right now is the biggest blessing!!! 

After Sister Bodily and I got to help do the laundry in the temple!!! It was SOOO FUN and we got to be the last people to be there besides the temple president and wife!! Sooooo cool!!!! 

During the time we were at the Temple we had interviews with President Sainsbury!!! How many missionaries get to say they've had an interview, in the temple, in all white with their President....ME! 

And it helped sooo much!! The past week has been very hard! People I love are deciding not to learn about the gospel and it has really broken my heart.   One day they will come, it just isn't time for them.   I thought I was failing because everything was falling apart!! But I now have the faith to fail because that is when you learn!! 

I love President Sainsbury!! They leave in July and we get new mission presidents and guess where they are from?!?!  Erda Utah!!!!!!! Do you know Chad and Melanie Allred? Anyways that's who is coming to be our new Mission President.  

Today has been jammed packed, but it has been one of the best days of my life honestly!!!! I love the temple and being a missionary in Alabama is the best!!!   Also we only have to wait five days now instead of a whole week. Yahoo!!! 

I also hit my 7 month mark on Sunday!! Time is going so fast!

The Hospital where one of our members had a new baby!  

I love the Temple...such a beautiful building

Someone named their baby after me....haha

Our members baby's door.  They decorate the doors here, so cute!
I love you and hope y'all are being the best you can be!  


Sister Schultz

Monday, January 14, 2019

Have a Great week y'allπŸ’œ

Sister Bodily and Sister Schultz


What an amazing week!!! 

On Tuesday we went to the temple with Connie!! But funny Sister Schultz thought that the temple opened at 6am. So we drove their that afternoon and pulled into the most empty parking lot I have ever seen! Turns out the temple opens at 6PM!!!! I felt soooo bad!! This is not Utah, temples aren't opened all the time and all day long!! Huge lesson learned in triple checking and made me appreciate temples even more!! But it all worked out! We had an early dinner and thank goodness for technology we were still able to do some missionary work!

It was truly an incredible experience to walk into the temple baptistery with Connie! The spirit was so strong!! It hit my like ton of bricks. The was the most incredible sight to see. I have never felt or understood Gods love like that before! TRULY A MIRACLE!! We were the only ones there and let me tell you, it was like Heaven on Earth! We were able to go over things from the restoration and the Plan of Salvation. We had like a mini scripture study right then and there. Best day ever!! I love the temple! I love the scriptures! I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Another cool experience that happened there was as we were walking out there was a picture of The First Vision. I recited it as we all looked at the! This Gospel is so TRUE!

Connie and Sister Schultz 
I cooked a HAM! 
WE MET MARY THIS WEEK!!!!! That lesson was literally one of the greatest experiences of my life. She was a Bible referral. Which means she ordered a Bible online. We got to her house and just talked to her, got to know her. We were planning on teaching her the Restoration. The more we talked with her the more I kept anything we need to teach the Plan of Salvation! At the same time Sister Bodily was thinking it was better to leave than to teach the Restoration right then. So we didn't and then I started teaching the Plan of Salvation! And so did Sister Bodily! And then we just kept going, pulling all of these scriptures out! It was crazy!! Like I was teaching but IT WASN'T ME!! and what made it so special was Mary's reaction. She was like WOW!!! This is so amazing!! She told us that we taught her more in a half hour than she has ever learned in her entire life. She kept saying, "I need to go to y'alls church. I need to go to y'alls church." Yes, Mary. Come to Jesus Christ's church, He wants you there. When we were walking out the door, she said, "wait." very concerned like. We were like uhhh. She told us that she doesn't have anything to wear to church. Mary! Friend! Daughter of God! Where whatever you have! The Lord will accept you in His church. With whatever you are able to wear. I love her, she is amazing. That was truly the most amazing lesson I've had on my mission! 

President Sainsbury told us that we need to write our miracles down to show God we truly are grateful for them. So during dinner we just wrote all about the experience and wow it took four pages and almost the whole hour!! Granted I write a lot in my journal anyways but still this was so special! I love journals! 

Arials little girl loves to pose for pictures! 
Grace and her cute talk!
Yesterday Sister Fallows asked us to come in and help the young women know how to better explain the God Head to people if they were to be asked about it. We shared some things and scriptures with them but the COOLEST thing was I recited the first vision to them. What makes this so special was when I was 14 a sister missionary recited it to our class. That was the first time I truly remember feeling the Spirit abundantly! That is also when I decided I was g
oing on a mission!! Now five years later I was able to be the missionary in the story! It was amazing!! After cutie Grace came up to us and told us she wants to go on a mission!!! She wrote a talk on patience and wanted to share it with us! TENDER MERCY!!! 

This truly is the best thing in the world! Missions are hard but they are suppose to be because that's what makes your need for a Savior increase! I truly could not do this without my Him. I love Him! I love being a missionary! 

i invite y'all this week to go to the temple!! Write miracles down!! Read and PONDER the First Vision! Look for the way the Lord is apart of your life! He is there, He is ALWAYS there! He loves you so much!! I love y'all so much!! 

have a great week y'allπŸ’œ

We are branching out and really learning how to cook! We were pretty pumped we were able to cook a whole ham!!!

Hamburger Heaven is the YUMMIEST burger place right by the temple

We bought Llama stuffed animals at Walmart today because they were so cute and make us so happen when life is hard haha

We had exchanges with Athens!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Everything Happens for a Reason!

Sister Bodily--Love her with all my Heart!
January 7, 2019
Hey Y'all!!!!

Still in Cullman and this place will forever have my heart!! SO many miracles happened this week! Also I love my Companion Sister Bodily! 
We met a year ago in CHINA! Literally were on vacation in Beijing at the exact same time, in the exact same hostel with the exact same CTR ring on! Which led to our conversation about how we want to serve missions one day. Well here we are over a year later as companions! GOD IS SO GOOD!!! We were at dinner with a family from the ward and the the little girl said "wow y'all must have been best friends in the pre-mortal life" SO TRUE!! I literally don't believe in coincidences, everything happens for a reason! 

I want to share this cool miracle that happened today that made me think even more about how everything happens for a reason! 

We were at Walmart getting groceries and P-days are just crazy because we have a lot to do. So we got all of our groceries in the car and were getting ready to leave and this man walked by. We just started to talk to him about his day and his car and all of a sudden I felt like we needed to talk about the Plan of Salvation. You get really creative as a missionary relating everything you see and talk about to the Gospel. Its actually really fun, y'all should try it. So we related it to the Plan of Salvation and he was shocked! 

He starts to tell us that he has always had a HUGE fear of death! He went on to explain how he always believed there was so much more but couldn't ever find anything that made sense! We were able to give him a pamphlet and testify that this truly is Gods plan for us all and through it he can find everlasting peace! The spirit was so strong!!! And I learned the most important lesson today...I could have let him go by and he would still have all that fear!! I had exactly what he needed to find peace and if we didn't reach out he would still be living in fear! 

Shopping for Pants--Yahoo
The way he begged us for answers and clarification on what truly happens to us after we die, made my heart feel a love like none else! He was longing for the truth, you could see it in his eyes! We got his information and turns out he doesn't live in our area. But we got a hold of the Elders that do and they are going to help him. We told him that we would call him tomorrow! As we were leaving he was like "please call tomorrow, please I am so serious about this, I truly need to know!" 

If we didn't share what we know to be true, who knows how long it would be until missionaries found him! It testified to my heart so strongly that 
1. we are so blessed to have the knowledge of the restored Gospel. The fear in his eyes broke my heart! God's children literally don't know the truth!!! SO SAD! 
2. We have the truth and we can share it!! So we can let all of Heavenly Fathers children back home! 

Everything happens for a reason. You literally pass people on the street and they need the Gospel! Heavenly Father is in the details of our lives! He wants His family back together so He is going to place us with the ones truly seeking to find it. So I invite all of y'all to share the Gospel! Share what you know to be true. Missionaries are so great, yet there are way more members than missionaries! If we all were to share the gospel and help those who are looking to find it, can you imagine how amazing life would be?!?! The Gospel would spread so fast! 

I know that this is the True Church of Jesus Christ. I know that every member is a missionary! I know that God will place people in our paths, we just have to be ready to open our mouths and share what we know is true. It was change peoples lives! I always think, " why am I so lucky to have  the truth?" and every single time I get the answer "because I knew you would share it!" 

I love y'all so much! I love this Gospel wit my whole heart! I love being able to share simple truth with those around me! I love seeing how Jesus Christ literally changes lives! I am so honored to be a missionary!! I invite all of y'all to pray for missionary experiences and look for opportunities to share what you know is true! The Gospel is the most important thing and can easily be shared! 

I know that Jesus Christ lives! I know that God truly does have a plan for us! I love you all and hope you have the best week ever looking for missionary opportunities! 
Love y'all,
Sister Schultz
All the Sister Missionaries at Zone Conference
Member Meals are the bomb!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

HAPPY NEW YEAR--2019 is just around the corner

Sister Bodily is the Best, I love her with all my heart!

Happy New Year!!! 

I will be a missionary every single day in 2019!! I'm so pumped, best year ever!! 

I love being a missionary if y'all couldn't tell πŸ˜Š 

This week has been so amazing! We literally see miracles happen everyday and they testify to my heart every time that God is so aware of me. 

Ariel is the most amazing person I've ever met. She has changed and come closer to Christ so much. When we first met her she knew little about God. It's been the coolest experience to share the Gospel with her and see her accept it. She is a special person and has such a desire to do right. We are literally apart of her family now! We had cake and a little party for her two year old little girl. Wow my heart loves them so much! 

The gospel is for everyone because Christ is for everyone! It's the best blessing to be able to witness peoples heart literally change!! There is no greater love than one who comes to understand Jesus Christ's love. She is working towards baptism!!!!!!!! Also after one of our lessons this week we were inviting Ariel to pray, she did for the first time the day before!! But then all of a sudden her other little 4 year old girl starts praying! My heart died!!! The spirit was so strong and it goes to show the work we're doing isn't just affecting one person! I truly love their family so much!! 

With the new year starting I've been thinking about who I want to become in 2019. I think the greatest thing about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE! Anyone and everyone can change. I've seen myself change so much these past 6 months. I've seen so many others come closer to their Savior and change. Change is the greatest gift!! Something we can always strive for. 

I'm forever grateful to my Savior. For allowing me to become who God always intended for me to be. I'm grateful He humbly laid down His life so that mine can improve. He's my best friend and I'm eternally grateful for that. 

I invite y'all to think about who you want to be in 2019! I promise if you trust in Him, give your heart to Him and BELIEVE He will make you into so much more, it will happen! It's the coolest thing to realize you're becoming who you re meant to be. I know y'all are all meant for greatness. Y'all have a Savior who will make it happen as you come to Him! 


Have a great new years!!

-Sister Schultz
All the sisters from zone conference! 

US shopping for Pants!  What???