Monday, October 29, 2018

Morning runs in Cullman we always find the coolest wall paintings!

The nicest man from another ward saw us running and said " I have already been converted, but let me buy you some hot chocolate"

It was really hot in the summer and then--BAM everything got really cold.  It has been raining.  My angel mother saved me from the Alabama cold!! People it gets sooo cold here!!! Thanks mom!!

Here are few pictures of Cullman--It is such a great little town!

Made it over 4 Months!

Our Costumes for the Cullman Ward Fall Party

Hello Friends and Family!!!

This week....WOW so amazing! God is soooo GOOOD! 

We had the ward Fall Festival and it was so much fun!! We had 15 of the friends we are teaching come!!!! 
MIRACLES!! Sister Brown and I were the chili contest judges! People in the south take these things very s
erious so we had to be on our A game to decide who was the best! 15 bowls later we were able to decide a winner :) 
It was so much fun and my love for the people of Cullman grew so much that night, didn't even know 

Tracy graduated her parenting classes and was so proud of herself! We went and 
had a brownie party. 

She never graduated anything before so we made her a graduation cap!
She was so happy!!!

There are special people God puts in your life and she is one of them. 
She told us this week " i am going to be a better child of God and really read 
the Book of Mormon more " She has my heart!! 
Her prayers bring me to tears because she is directly talking to 
God in the most genuine and sincere way that is possible!
Add captio

Tracey Graduated from Parenting Class

Ariel is so amazing!! When we first knocked on her door she was a little stand off.
She would allow us to share messages with her but it was always on her porch.
We've been able to make a great relationship with her and the
other day we were talking and she let us in her house! 
Her daughter wanted to show us her pet rats. 
We got to hold them and take pictures with her and them. 
I love Alabama, you never know what you're 
going to get! Ariel is so amazing and is full of so much goodness.
 I'm so grateful I met her! 

We were able to visit Lindsey and teach her the Plan of Salvation. We used this little puzzle that we have and 
she loved it! She was looking online to find one for herself. She said she would love her daughter to play with it 
and then be able to teach her when she gets older. She is amazing!! We asked her to pray and know its truly 
Gods plan and she said she didn't have to, she already 
knew it was true!! 


We were able to see the Starks be baptized yesterday!!! When we reviewed the lessons
 with them my testimony of the Savior and His Atonement grew so much. They are 
some of the most faithful and Christ-like people. 
I was bawling the whole time, whats new?? But the spirit was so 
strong and you could feel all the work and 
love they put into getting to this point. It was such a special day!!! 

This week has been full of so many miracles!! It is so amazing to be here in Cullman,
 I can't even explain how my life has been changed! I love my mission, it is hard!! 
Its the Lords work so I will be.
But that means that the Lord is here every step of the way! I know that He lives. 
I have come  to learn how to depend on Him, and I'm still learning everyday how to! 
Something that I have come to learn is we are enough 
with Christ. We fall short, we can't do it all, we aren't perfect. That just shows 
how much we need a Savior. 
There is a reason we have one, because He loves us! 

Yesterday someone said "you know how much something is worth depending on how 
much someone is willing to sacrifice for it." 

That alone shows your worth, your importance. 
Nothing and no one can take that way. You're enough, your Saviors Sacrifice 
proves it to be true.
Always remember Him. He is the only way. I love Him, and I am constantly h
umbled by the love He has for me!! 

Have a wonderful week!! Happy Halloween!!!! I LOVE Y'ALL

-Sister Schultz

Monday, October 22, 2018

Depend on Christ!!! That's why He is here!


We had to take a picture of the Alabama Flag on our run in the morning

Hello everyone!! 

Cullman is the most amazing place!! So many life changing people here. Including the Cullman Ward and the people we are teaching. I literally just cry all the time about how much I love them! I didn't even know my heart could LOVE so many people, on such a deep level. It's truly because I've been able to love them like the Savior does, and it's changed my life! 

I just want to talk about some of the people that have changed my life! 

Beth is the sweetest and most genuine person. She always has water bottles for us on hand! She is hilarious and truly just wants to follow Christ. She has been taught by missionaries for years and she is still searching to know for herself that this Gospel is truly Christ's. She accepted to be baptized when she receives her answer!!!! 

Tommy has so much going on in his life right now and is just putting others needs before his own. Truly the definition of a selfless person! We taught him and he was so interested in knowing for himself if its true! He said that when he gets his answer that it is true, He wants to be apart of it and will be baptized!!! 

Sister Brown,Sheridon and I at dinner
Sheridon has been going to church her whole life but was never baptized. She has a heart of love and is so good!! Every time we teach her she knows exactly what she needs to d , and she is dedicated to doing it! She is so determined to strengthen her testimony of this Gospel and then is going to be baptized!! We went out to dinner with her this week and all the workers came to meet us. hahah our server told them we were unrealistically nice and they had to see for themselves! We talked with them and told them who we were and why we were so happy. They ended up offering Sheridon a job! miracles!!! 

Tracy is the definition of enduring to the end. He life is on hold right now because of some legal things so she is at a stand still. While she has so much to be down about she keeps trying to do what is right! Yesterday in Relief Society she bore her testimony how she never knew who God was or that He loves her. She talked about her trials and then testified of how the Book of Mormon brings her peace and shows her she not alone, that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are there for her no matter how hard life is. She is patiently waiting for her baptize and keeps trusting God! She is incredible!!! 

These are just a few of the many people who I've been able to see change and draw close to Christ. I will never understand why God let me come here and be apart of there lives. These people deserve everything and I'm trying to do all I can to help them draw closer to the truth, because they deserve it!! THEY"RE INCREDIBLE!! 

While there are soooo many miracles, there is always going to be opposition! This week I really didn't see why I'm so blessed to be here! Why I get to witness these miracles! I didn't see that I was enough for these amazing people. The truth is I really am not, I'm imperfect and don't know everything, luckily I'm not doing this alone!! I have the master teacher by my side, the greatest missionary this world has ever known, Jesus Christ my Savior!

I forgot how I needed to depend on Him this week. I forgot that I don't have to do this all alone. I forgot that this life is about changing and becoming better! I forgot that He chose to die for me, suffer my pains and sorrows so that in this moment when I need Him most, HE IS HERE! 

I know that He is here for me, I just forgot to let Him in. This life can get overwhelming trying to balance everything, do everything and be everything. Luckily that isn't what Heavenly Father wants for us. He sent a Savior, Jesus Christ so that me AND Him can be enough for these life changing people. So me AND Him can do this wonderful work. 

I know that Jesus Christ Lives! I know He lives for me, and for YOU! I'm grateful for this knowledge and that I was reminded once again this week of the great need of a Savior I have.
I'm eternally grateful that He is here! 

I love y'all so much!! Remember with Christ you are enough, you aren't alone, you can do all things!! Have a great week!!! 

Having Dinner with Sheridon
-Sister Schultz 

Monday, October 15, 2018

well this is strange..

Hello Everyone!! 

WOW so much has happened in the last few weeks I haven't had much time to email. 

just a few updates....

We had Transfers and I am still in Cullman! Sister Clifford went to Clanton and is training!! She's amazing!! Miss her ever day and will forever be grateful for the things she taught me. Sister Turner is in Huntsville so we will still be in the same zone conference. I've never laughed so hard in my life while serving with her! She's the greatest! I miss them so much! 

saying goodbye to sis cliff literally broke my heart 

We are with our new comps and my "little sister" Sister Cliff is training

My new companion is Sister Brown!! From the MTC! We were so shocked when President Sainsbury announced it! He goes " well this is stranger...sister brown you will be serving with sister schultz in Cullman!" So here we are fresh from training in miraculous Cullman.

Just walking around doing this great work!

I thank Heavenly Father ever day for letting me serve here! It has completely changed my life!! In Mosiah 18:30 they talk about Mormon as being the place they came to know their Redeemer. They say it so many times that it makes you wonder how much it truly meant to them that saying it once wasn't enough. Cullman has truly become my "mormon" and I will forever remember this as the place I truly came to the knowledge of my Redeemer! 

This week we were able to teach seven new people the Restoration of Jesus Christs Gospel. I am so grateful for this Church and the way it has shaped my life and my relationship with Christ. It truly is the fullness of what Christ taught while he was on the earth and I will never be able to thank Heavenly Father for letting me have these truths! 

I'm so grateful for living Prophets and Apostles! WOW conference was amazing. There is a special spirit that is felt when you watch conference and when you watch it as a missionary! There is no way I could deny that this is Jesus Christ's church! Everything points us and prepares us to Him. 

There are so many things that I want to share about and experiences that have changed my life in these past few weeks but there are just to many that I can't write them all!!!! 
Saving miles but wow maintaining
 a bike is a lot of work!
We had a referral this week for someone who wanted a Book of Mormon. We went out to deliver it to her and she was so sweet! Her name was Lindsey and we knew that she was having a hard tome so we got her some flowers and candy. We talked with her about her life and family and she shared so many things with us. We gave her the Book of Mormon and testified of the peace it can bring to you as you read it. We left and later that day she posted on social media about it. She received lots of negative comments and people we're saying that we believed things that we don't. Among all the negativity, Lindsey started to defend us!!! It was the coolest thing!!! Your kindness can and will be the best way to defend your beliefs. 

tracting around to save miles- walked everywhere this week haha
Yesterday we were out tracting and we walked passed a this street and were trying to get home for dinner. I felt so strongly that we needed to go back and literally was stopped in the middle of the street. So we went up and knocked a few doors and didn't have much success. But we kept going and we met the sweetest girl Camellia. She was out studying her Bible on the porch! We ended up talking with her for over an hour! She asked us so many questions about our beliefs and we were able to teach her the restoration but it was just a natural conversation. Everything she asked led to the next thing we wanted to talk about. We gave her a Book of Mormon and she agreed to read it for herself and know if it's true. She is one of the most faithful, genuine people I have ever met!! I'm so grateful for the way that Heavenly Father is directing my path. 

I could go on forever about the miracles that have happened here these past few weeks but I just want y'all to know that Jesus Christ lives!! This is His church and you can come to know that it is by reading the Book of Mormon. It testifies of Him, and the things you need to d oin your life to come closer to knowing Him. I'm so grateful I know Him!! That I know He makes forgiveness possible. That I can continue to become better through Him. That when I am down, sad or lonely He will deliver me from it all! I'm forever grateful for my Savior. I can not do this without Him. I love Him, I love being a missionary and I love this Gospel!! I can't imagine my life not having lives these past few months as a servant of the Lord! It has forever changed me, my mission truly means the world to me!!

I love y'all so much!! Have a great week!! 
Face masks makes everything better! 
-Sister Schultz

a member gave us a pie and after fast Sunday ended we ate the whole thing!!!

Monday, October 8, 2018

The Library is closed--What for--Columbus Day!

Today we went to do our weekly email and the Library was closed due to the Columbus Day Holiday!  Is that really a Holiday? 

Here are a few pictures from last week:

The moss family kids!! The stinking cutest!!
The Robinson's are so good to us!  Brother Robinson gave us blessings because we have to say goodbye!

we went dinner with the cutest sweetest girls who we met at the farms market! Skyla and Christina
October fest is coming and they go all out with decorating!

Sister Brown, my new Companion--we were MTC Companions

sis cliff got me the sweetest soul sisters bracelet, so no matter where we go we'll always have each other! literally love her soooo much!!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Transfer Week--I am staying in Cullman

Sister Turner, Sister Clifford, me Sister and Brother Frye

Hey Y'all!! This has been an incredible week!! We found out last night that Sister Clifford and Sister Turner will be leaving Cullman and I will be here with someone knew! It's going to be very hard to say goodbye to them!! I'm grateful for the time the Lord gave me to serve with them. They're two amazing missionaries who have not only helped the people in Cullman change, but me as well. I love them!!! I'm so grateful I get to stay in Cullman because this place has literally changed my life, Everyday we see miracles and I am forever grateful I've been apart of this!

We went to camp Hulaco last p-day and that is where they have girls camp. The Fryes took us and wow I love them so much!! I will send lots of pictures because it is beautiful, It felt like I was back home. Truly grateful for that experience and for the Frye's taking us!

We had our last exchange this week with the Madison Sisters. The work has progressed so much because of all the work these sisters have done here. Exchanges bring miracles and I'm so grateful I get to serve along side so many wonderful sisters!

We also had two referrals this week, Connie and Sheridon. Connie was taught by sisters in Indiana and just moved here. She is very excited to continue to learn. We taught her the restoration again and she said she knows that this is the true church! She said that she knew it was true because every time that she had a question, it was always answered. That's the thing, God doesn't want to keep things from us. He wants us to know the truth and continue to gain knowledge in this life to help us progress towards Him. That is the whole purpose of the Gospel, so we know what we need to do in this life to progress to eternal life. I'm grateful for the true Gospel of Jesus Christ being restored to the earth. I'm even more honored that Heavenly Father allows me to teach such perfect doctrine to His children here on earth. This is the greatest thing I've ever done in my life!! At the end of the lesson, she accepted an the invitation to be baptized! God truly does place miracles in our lives daily, I'm grateful He came me Connie!

Sheridon's mom is a member in Gardendale and so she has grown up going to church all her life. She was never allowed to be baptized because her father has different beliefs. We've been able to create such a great relationship with her this week! Yesterday we went over and I painted her nails haha she's the greatest, I feel like I've known her my whole life!  before we left we asked her if she would be interested in taking the missionary lessons. She just lit up when we asked!! She was so happy to learn more and finally choose for herself how she is going to live. I'm so grateful Heavenly Father has been preparing her for this moment and that He is allowing me to be apart of her life!

We were tracting one day and met the Moss family. They are the most adorable and welcoming family I've ever met!! They have the cutest kids who always respond to us with "yes ma'am". It melts my heart every time. The south really does know how to raise kids to be respectful! They are a special family!! We were able to teach them the restoration as well and the spirit was so strong!!! The more and more I teach it the more the spirit testifies to me that it's true! That this is Christ's church once again upon the earth. You can come to know that it is for yourself you truly read the Book of Mormon. That is why we have it, to stand as a witness not only that Christ lives, but that His teachings have been restored! When we offered them to read the Book of Mormon they were so eager to accept it. I'm so grateful to be apart of their lives as they come to know for themselves this is the TRUTH! I don't know what I did to deserve such miraculous people to be placed in my path, but I'll never stop thanking my Heavenly Father for it!

I thought I was coming on a mission to serve my Savior and help His work progress. To sacrifice these 18 months because He sacrificed everything for me. But I've realized now that He called me on a mission so that my life will continue to become greater. That I will be able to grow into who He knows I can be. I thought I would come out and give everything to Him, but in return He has given me more than I'll be able to comprehend. My mission means everything to me and I am forever grateful for the time He is allowing me to serve here!

I would just invite y'all to try and see this week what you can give up to better grow towards Him. I can promise y'all that when you give everything to Him, you will see that in return He'll give you something that will mean everything to you. You'll have a life that the Savior can walk to with you. You'll come to know without a doubt that He truly is the Savior of the world, and that means He's YOUR Savior!! Nothing you ever give up could mean more than that.

I love serving a mission!!! I will never be able to thank my Heavenly Father for trusting me here or my Savior for shaping me into who I can be. I love Alabama, I love my mission, I love my Savior and I love all of y'all!!

Have a great week!!

-Sister Schultz  

Brother and Sister Frye1 Girls Camp

Sister Clifford, Sister Turner and me.  Nice to be at the Camp