Monday, August 27, 2018

WEEK Eleven

"Can I be baptized?? I want that!"

That is literally what Tracy said to us after the first lesson we had with her!! God truly does prepare his people to receive the truth this gospel brings!!

This week has been so fast! So much has happened!!

Wednesday was the end of my first transfer! Sister Clifford and I are still companions here in Cullman!! I love her with all of my heart!

On Thursday we didn't have to go to transfers because we are staying in Cullman. So we were out for our morning run and President Sainsbury calls us! One we couldn't really breath because we're both out of shape haha and two we were so scared he was going to say one of us had to leave! He stared out by saying "Sister Clifford, the lord has called you..." My heart sunk because I thought she was going to be emergency transferred! But then he said "to be the STL of the Zone!" We were so excited!

Now we get to have exchanges here in Cullman! It's going to be so much fun and now others get to experience how miraculous it is here!

Because she is the STL we got to go to MLC on Friday and meet with all the mission Zone leaders and STL's. It was the most powerful meeting I have ever been to. It truly showed me that we have to depend everything on our Father in Heaven.

I know that I am not the one who helps bring people closer to Christ. It is all through the direction of Heavenly Father! He certainly does prepare people to be on your path. Then through the Holy Ghost people come to know the things that we are telling them are true. I can testify all day long, but without the Holy Ghost they wouldn't be able to know for themselves. And then through the love of their Savior, Jesus Christ they change! They strive to become something greater because they know through Him they can! I am nothing but an instrument in God's hand. It has been the most humbling experience knowing and seeing that I have to depend 100% on them.

Friday we had our first lesson with a new person we're teaching, Tracy. She has gone through some other the most horrible things in her life! Things people don't realize could happen to one person, let alone a 20 year old. She has had to grow up with drugs all her life because of her family. She has lost her children by death  and because of living situations. She has been homeless and many more things no one person should go through.

Yet here she is now! Learning the true and everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ! She is giving up everything, family, friends, drugs, she has nothing and no one left. It has been the most humbling experience teaching her because she has the strongest desire to change! After our first lesson with her she asked if she can be baptized because she said she new she would finally be happy!

Saturday was the funeral for Betty Robinson! She is one of the most Christ-like people I have ever met. She reminded me so much of my own grandma and really made it hit home. The Robinson family have taken us missionaries in like their own! They are a home a way from home and I can't express how much that means to me! It was a special day and the whole time, yet there was sadness, this over whelming feeling of peace came. It was amazing to see that this great Plan of Happiness is true! Something that we taught just the other day, was now being witnessed in front of us. The spirit testified to me that this is the truth! That one day we will all be reunited! All because of our Savior Jesus Christ! I'm so honored to witness this that day and to be apart of the wonderful Robinson family!

I spoke in sacrament yesterday and it was good I hope! haha
We went back over to Tracy's Sunday night and she had quick smoking! We were going over the word of wisdom that night with her, and she had already given it up!! She is so amazing! She has found the truth and is doing all she can to obtain it fully!

I was able to gain an even greater testimony this week that this it the true church! It is for everyone!! It doesn't matter who you are, where you've been or what you've done, this Gospel can and will change your life. It is for you!!! Because GOD IS FOR YOU, so it doesn't really matter who is against you! I testify with all of my heart that God loves you,  you are important to him! I know that Jesus Christ lives! I know that the book of Mormon is truly another testament of Him. You're life will be changed as your prayerfully and humbly study it.

I love y'all so much! I love this gospel with every ounce of my soul! I couldn't deny it, even if I wanted to! I know it is true! I'm so lucky to be a missionary in Alabama! It's changing my life!

Have a great week y'all!

-Sister Schultz!

Thursday, August 23, 2018


2 Nephi 2: 25 Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.

Sister Clifford and I know that we can find true JOY when we remember the Atoning Sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ ðŸ’—

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

WEEK TEN --The Sister can do hair, lets ask them!

New-Bee's and Trainers outside of the Birmingham Temple 

Wow who knew that my love for braiding hair would lead me to so many people! A family in our ward was having a wedding for there daughter. She needed help with her hair before they took engagement photos, so they asked me! It was so fun! They were a beautiful couple and it was so nice to get to know the ward more! Just goes to show that Heavenly Father will help you use your talents, so develop them!

This was another crazy week full of adventures I never thought I would ever do in my life...but hey welcome to Alabama!!

We offered to help two different families move this week. When people move in Alabama they take everything with them, and I mean everything! And lucky for us we got to help sort all of it! It was a crazy time and I have now seen things I never thought I would. Definitely going to check those off the bucket list! You think that we'd learn not to keep getting ourselves into these situations! haha we just can't say no!  

The most amazing part of this whole experience was that we taught them and they loved it! It didn't matter who they were, their living conditions, what they did or where they came from, the Gospel of Jesus Christ applied directly to them! This truly is meant for everyone, the Atonement is meant for everyone!

One of the families had a mom named Cindy. She had met with missionaries before but she always told herself she could never change. We testified so strongly that is Christ's true church! That it will require change because change is made possible by Him! She has never had anyone tell her she could change!! You could feel the spirit so strong when it testified to her that change through Jesus Christ's is attainable!

That has been the greatest thing about my mission. I have changed more than I thought I could, or even knew I should! These past few days have been some of the hardest days of my whole life!! Yet in the end I have my Savior, He has become so real through all of this. That alone makes all of it worth it! I know who He is and how powerful his Atonement is because I've used it!

It's been two months since I left home and I finish my first transfer tomorrow!! We had a transfer meeting this week with all the new bee's and their trainers! It was so incredible!! We went to the church that is right by the Birmingham Temple! At the end of the meeting we watched a video of Elder Holland speaking about Christ and missionary work. It played videos of the Saviors life with all the miracles He did and His Crucifixion. At the end we went to the temple grounds and wrote our "missionary constitutions". Promising to ourselves who we would be through out our missions!

Sister Brown and I were Companions in the MTC!
In the video, Elder Holland said "Why does it have to be so hard? Why don't people just flock to the font and accept the truth." He then states "It has to be hard! Because salvation isn't an easy price to pay. Why would this be easy for us when its his work and it was so HARD for Him?"

I just want to end with this, when life seems to hard, turn to Him! When you try so hard to follow God and things just aren't working out, trust Him. And when you are being torn down by the advisory, know that you are standing shoulder to shoulder with the Savior.  For he truly has felt the hard, perfectly followed God while being despised and was torn down lower than we can imagine.

He did this all, for US! He did it for them and He's done it for me and He did it for YOU!  Just remember that he is there. Hard times will come and you can press forward knowing He is walking with you the whole time.

My Savior has become so real to me this week because I know I need Him. I can't do this without Him! He has made the way possible for me to change and become better. I'm eternally grateful for Him!

I know Jesus Christ lives! I know my Father in Heaven sent Him to be our Savior. I know the minute you come unto him your life will be changed, you will become something much greater than you could ever imagine!

I love y'all so much! I hope y'all have a great week and truly come to know who your Savior is!

We went to Five Guys because I needed some Fries...LOL
-Sister Schultz

Sunday, August 19, 2018

BE ATTITUDES--10 week challenge


Sister Clifford and I know that the Plan of Salvation is true! Its taught throughout the Bible and the Book of Mormon. We know that as you study and learn more about God's great Plan of Happiness you will come to know that it is true.

We are honored to be Missionaries and teach God's plan to everyone. If you have questions please feel free to message us or visit to know more. ðŸ’›
This week join us studying BE PRAYERFUL. To find how our prayers can help us draw closer to our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ.

Monday, August 13, 2018

WEEK NINE-- I'm really looking forward to my baptism, do you think that will be a possibility for me??

So Happy to be together

Hello everyone!!!

So we are teaching this guy named Tyler! He is seriously the most golden investigator you could ever think of. This week while we were teaching him he asked if being baptized would be a possibility for him! Like what the heck?! Is this real life?? He is so dedicated to the Gospel! He reads from the Book of Mormon everyday and its amazing the change that has come because of it. He travels for work so he's been in Washington but guess what....He found an LDS church there and went! He was so excited to tell us all about it! His family doesn't want him to talk with us which has been really hard for him. He said the most amazing thing that really stuck out to me " Sisters I've received an answer, I know its true so I can't walk away no matter how hard it gets!" That's just a testimony to all of us, when you come to know that the Gospel is true...DON"T LET GO! Keep pushing through because if God has given you an answer, it doesn't matter who is against you...  you know the truth!!!
We invited him to be baptized on he 25th and he started to cry! He couldn't believe that it was so soon and that he would actually be able to become a member of our church! I can't wait to see what the future holds for him!

Saying Goodbye to Levi

We were also teaching a little boy named Levi. He is the son of Josh, a member in our ward, who has the most amazing conversion story ever. They have us over every Monday night for FHE. They are a remarkable family who make the gospel the center of everything. Levi lives with his mom but visits his dad for the summer. We taught him the first vision and he said "wow I would be the luckiest boy in the world if I Saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!" He accepted the invitation to be baptized but as the day got closer he didn't feel like he was ready yet. I know one day he will be and I'm so excited for what the future will bring! He is a special boy and I'm so grateful I got to know him! We had to say goodbye to him this week which was so hard!! He said a closing prayer our last night together and said " Please help us that we won't be sad and that the sisters know how much I love them"  100% cried after that haha y'all could've guessed that! I love him so much!

Sis Cliff and I at the carnival and car show

There was a huge carnival and car show this week right by our house! We were so overwhelmed because that was the first time we'd been around a huge crowd of people in a while. Gotta love little cutie Alabama! It was so such a cool experience because even in this huge crowd we were directed to all the people we were suppose to talk to. Everyone we talked to knew someone who was LDS. What are the chances?! The Holy Ghost is such a powerful gift and the more you listen to him the more you will be lead to where Heavenly Father wants you to go! How amazing is it that you can have a member of the Godhead with you at all times!

I went on my first exchange in Decatur this week!! It was so much fun! I was first with Sister Truner who is our STL, she is the funniest person to talk to! Here is the HUGE difference between Cullman and is really big into biking and one is not. Cullman as great as it is, has no areas to bike in because you will get hit by cars! So Sister Clifford and I are not the best bikers, to say the least. But good ol' Decatur has tons of places to bike because they have that is what we did the whole day!!! It was very hot and very sweaty and man did I learn to appreciate the car we were given! Also funny Sister Schultz forgot sunscreen!!!   

 Sister Clifford and I with the Decatur Sisters on exchanges
We set goals that we wanted to accomplish on this exchange and one of mine was to have more charity! The second day on the exchange I was with Sister Holyoak! We were delivering cookie to members and all of a sudden it just starts pouring rain! That is the crazy thing about Alabama, you never know what the weather is going to be like! Thankfully we were in the car this time...could you imagine me on a bike in the pouring rain?!?! We pulled up to the members house to drop the cookies off. Their neighbor was moving and had so much stuff on the lawn! We parked and I said "come on we need to help them!" I jumped out of the car so fast and ran over to help them! Sister Holyoak probably thought I was crazy!! They just stared in shock as we ran box after box into the garage! I have never been so wet and so happy in my whole life! They could not believe we were helping them in such nice clothes. The wife kept apologizing for our clothes getting wet! It was so worth it!!

When we were finished we told them who we were and what we do. They literally just stared at us! It was so funny how shocked they were that we were willing to help them so fast. I shook her hand to leave and this overwhelming feeling of love came! I can't even put into words the feeling that happened. I wish you could have seen her eyes, just searching for an answer as to why a stranger would help her! She just stared in amazement , I knew she felt her Heavenly Fathers love! That is when I knew the true meaning of charity! I definitely  have a long way to go in this aspect because I certainly don't understand all that charity is. This experience just meant a lot to me though and showed that charity can be simple, that it can be attainable. It's not just one specific thing and it doesn't have to be something grand! It is seeing someone in need and just going to help! Without expecting anything in return or because you know you'll get something from it after. Infact I don't think you will learn anything about charity if you're expecting something after!! Charity is forgetting about you and helping someone simply because they need it. It's becoming like your Savior through acts of pure love!  

I want to invite y'all to go out this week and serve someone you see in need. Even when it seems unrealistic or not a convenient situation for yourself. That is the best time to do it!!  I can promise y'all that you will be able to represent your Savior as you are kind and compassionate to all those around you. You will change lives as you do simple acts of love. Pure, real intent actions of love!! It will have a greater meaning not only to those you help, but also to you. I can testify to y'all that you will know for a surety who your Savior truly is as you come to do acts that we would.

I know that Jesus Christ lives! I could not be here today without my Savior!! I know that Heavenly Father is truly aware of who you are! HE LOVES YOU!! I can't stress that enough! Know I am always here for y'all for anything! I LOVE Y'ALL

Have a great week!!

Sister Schultz :)

At a members home for dinner and a lesson! The little girl Sammy wanted to do our hair!

A member from Pratville, Sister Hydrick, taking us to dinner!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

BE ATTITUDES--10 week challenge

August 12, 2018

Ether 4:6 For the Lord said unto me: They shall not go forth unto the Gentiles until the day that they shall repent of their iniquity, and become clean before the Lord
Sister Clifford and I know that through our Savior Jesus Christ we can be cleansed from sin. We know that as we apply his Atonement to the center of our lives, our sins will be pushed away. To be truly clean is to be changed daily by our Saviors Grace💛

Join us this week in studying BE TRUE!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Family Home Evening Games at the Harpers

Monday Night Family Home Evening

Do people think y'all are Mormons??? Funny... WE ARE MORMONS!

Week Eight

Do people think y'all are Mormons??? Funny... WE ARE MORMONS!

That was a real conversation we had yesterday while talking with people at the park. This guy skated past us and then yelled as he went by "what you girls doing out here"  I yelled back "we are talking about Jesus Christ!" He asked us if we knock doors and we told him that we sometimes do. "Do people think y'all are Mormons???" "Funny... WE ARE MORMONS!" He was shocked that girls are missionaries! It was so funny!

WOW this has been another wonderful week!!

I want to tell y'all about Broc! He was going to school in Idaho where he worked with an LDS girl. They were just friends but one day she decided to talk about religion with him. Well she ended up teaching him all about the Church. Nothing really came from it though. He went back home to Alabama and she went on a mission. Well she called us a few weeks ago and said she felt prompted to give us his information.
In those few we have had two lessons with him and he wants to meet again. Everything we taught him he said makes sense. BECAUSE THE GOSPEL JUST MAKES SENSE!!! It's incredible! He's reading the Book of Mormon and wanted to know more!

All of this happened because one girl opened her mouth and shared the gospel! Someone is coming closer to their Savior because she was willing to share the truth she had! It is the most amazing thing to be apart of. You never know what might come just by simply baring testimony of what you know!

So... I invite all of y'all to pray this week for someone you can share the truth with. Anyone and everyone can be a missionary so why not start now! It's a lot easier than y'all might think! You just have to talk to them, love them, truly show that you care about them because they belong to God! Ask them how they are or what they love or even just compliment them. Kindness can go a long ways. I can promise you it will change your life and the lives of those you meet. They will see what you have and tell the difference you bring.

I ask Heavenly Father everyday why I was so lucky to live a life with the restored Gospel and every time I'm told "because I know you will share it!" God has given this to you, GO SHARE IT!!!!

Yesterday was the first fast Sunday I've had in the field and it was amazing!! Fasting Is real and so much can come from it when you have a righteous purpose! President Sainsbury has all of us as a mission end at the same time with what we call "hour of mighty prayer" From 4-5 we end our fast and pray to our Father in Heaven! Let me tell y'all something... GOD IS REAL!! I know He is because I've felt him by me as I call out to Him. I know MY SAVIOR LIVES! because there is no way I could be where I am, doing what I'm doing without Him pushing me through! I couldn't deny the reality of them, even if I wanted to.

Talking with God for an hour straight has changed my whole life! Pray to know God. All you have to do is ask with real intent and you will know Him! The most glorious part of the whole thing is that by knowing Him, you will know what it means personally to have YOUR Savior. And then you will know who God intends for you to be! It all starts with Faith.. all he asks is to believe in him!
Who ever is reading this, know this next part is specifically and individually for you...

You are important! You are loved! You will have the advisory tell you other wise, DON'T LISTEN!! You have something they never will, a body that has a beating heart you can feel, its a miracle! Therefor you are a miracle! You are here today for a reason. God put you on earth, at this time, in a specific place, for a reason!! I hope you really understand the importance of the life you're living and better yet I hope you realize how important the life you're living is to God! YOU ARE HIS! That is never going to change...Its as simple as that. So call out, speak out, cry out to Him! That is the only way to know the things I have said are true. Ask if He loves you, ask if He is there! I can promise you by the end you'll know he is, and with that you'll know how much YOU mean to Him!! He sees in you far more than you will ever be able to know! HE LOVES YOU!
(sorry just had to rant for a sec because people need to know how important they truly are!!!)

I hope y'all know I love you! I love being a missionary!! It is the greatest calling in the world, I hope y'all will seek opportunities to be one wherever you are!

Know God loves you, He loves you so much He gave His Son Jesus Christ just for YOU!

Have a great week, I LOVE Y'ALL!

-Sister Schultz

Us at the BYUI dance performance in Huntsville!

The Elders in the District Fixing my bike fenders!
We were craving cereal so we just bought a huge box and ate it for dinner!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

BE ATTITUDES--10 week challenge


Mosiah 29:20 But behold, he did deliver them because they did HUMBLE themselves before him; and because they cried mightily unto him he did deliver them out of bondage; and thus doth the Lord work with his power in all cases among the children of men, extending the arm of mercy towards them that put their trust in him
We know that as you humbly submit yourself to God, you will know that you truly need your Savior. Humility draws you closer to Christ because He is the way to get through life.
This week we are studying about BE CLEAN. We invite y'all join in with us, to see how we can become more like our Savior Jesus ChristWEEK TWO~ BE HUMBLE
Mosiah 29:20 But behold, he did deliver them because they did HUMBLE themselves before him; and because they cried mightily unto him he did deliver them out of bondage; and thus doth the Lord work with his power in all cases among the children of men, extending the arm of mercy towards them that put their trust in him
We know that as you humbly submit yourself to God, you will know that you truly need your Savior. Humility draws you closer to Christ because He is the way to get through life.
This week we are studying about BE CLEAN. We invite y'all join in with us, to see how we can become more like our Savior Jesus Christ!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

August 3, 2018 BE KIND

Ephesians 4:32 And be ye KIND one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

Sister Clifford and I wanted to share how a simple act of kindness, someone giving us these bracelets, taught us an important lesson.
God specifically puts people in your path. So when you come in contact with them, always be kind!
You'll never regret being kind to someone and you'll always become closer to your Savior Jesus Christ when you do.

We love you Kate! ðŸ’š Thanks for being kind!
 — with Aspen Schultz  and Skylar Blue Clifford.