Monday, June 24, 2019


June 24, 2019

Hit my ONE YEAR mark on June 20!

Hey y'all! 

This week there were so many changes in my mission and it really opened my eyes and helped my evaluate what my mission means to me. Wednesday was my last zone conference with President and Sister Sainsbury's. That was truly one rough goodbye! Then Thursday I hit my year mark!! Change is hard but change is good because it helped you reflect and see the growth you've achieved. I love my mission!! I love what it has helped me become! 

Zone Conference June 2019

At Zone Conference President asked me to speak about what it means to be filled with love. I literally love, love so I was so pumped! I honestly don't remember what I said other than this one phrase that stood out to me "you love the work because you love your Savior and it is in His work that you've realized He truly loved you first!"  My mission truly means everything to me. I have been reflecting on where I was a year ago, to where I am now and I am blown away at who my Redeemer has shaped me into.  I know that Jesus Christ Lives. There is no way I could deny the reality of His divine life. I'm so grateful I was found worthy to assist my Savior in His work. This truly has been the best year FOR my life. Alabama truly has become the place were my eyes came to the Knowledge of my Redeemer and I will sing praises to His name forever. I'm grateful to know His love for the people of Alabama. I grateful to know His love for this work. Above all I am so grateful to have gained the sure knowledge of His love for me. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son. 

The Pengel family are the most amazing people! They are so special to me. I know that God prepares specific people for His missionaries and I am so grateful He placed them in my life! Their oldest daughter Thisha has my heart! She tells me everytime that she wants to be a missionary like us one day. So my angel mother sent my a "future missionary in training" name tag for her. I have never seen someone light up! She usually wears my tag during lessons but now she has her own! They came to church yesterday and SHE WORE IT THE WHOLE TIME💛💛  I know she will be a missionary one day. I am so excited to witness a whole family prepare to come into the fold of God. 

The temple with Kevin! that was one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever had at the temple. I love Kevin. I love the Saviors Atonement and the Change it brings to peoples lives!
This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is His church. The efforts we take today can literally change eternities for people tomorrow. I love that the Priesthood makes things infinite and eternal. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to literally be a set apart servant now, and to know that I will forever be a follower of Him. 

I love all of you! I love my Alabama! I love my mission and above all I love my Savior because I know He truly loved me first.

-Sister Schultz

Alabama has been having crazy weather...humidity

Torie is going on a mission next week and so we had to take a picture with the 'future missionary' tag

Exchanges with sister brady when I let her cut my hair. 

These members have all missionaries sign a wall in their home to encourage their kids to serve missions!

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