Tuesday, August 21, 2018

WEEK TEN --The Sister can do hair, lets ask them!

New-Bee's and Trainers outside of the Birmingham Temple 

Wow who knew that my love for braiding hair would lead me to so many people! A family in our ward was having a wedding for there daughter. She needed help with her hair before they took engagement photos, so they asked me! It was so fun! They were a beautiful couple and it was so nice to get to know the ward more! Just goes to show that Heavenly Father will help you use your talents, so develop them!

This was another crazy week full of adventures I never thought I would ever do in my life...but hey welcome to Alabama!!

We offered to help two different families move this week. When people move in Alabama they take everything with them, and I mean everything! And lucky for us we got to help sort all of it! It was a crazy time and I have now seen things I never thought I would. Definitely going to check those off the bucket list! You think that we'd learn not to keep getting ourselves into these situations! haha we just can't say no!  

The most amazing part of this whole experience was that we taught them and they loved it! It didn't matter who they were, their living conditions, what they did or where they came from, the Gospel of Jesus Christ applied directly to them! This truly is meant for everyone, the Atonement is meant for everyone!

One of the families had a mom named Cindy. She had met with missionaries before but she always told herself she could never change. We testified so strongly that is Christ's true church! That it will require change because change is made possible by Him! She has never had anyone tell her she could change!! You could feel the spirit so strong when it testified to her that change through Jesus Christ's is attainable!

That has been the greatest thing about my mission. I have changed more than I thought I could, or even knew I should! These past few days have been some of the hardest days of my whole life!! Yet in the end I have my Savior, He has become so real through all of this. That alone makes all of it worth it! I know who He is and how powerful his Atonement is because I've used it!

It's been two months since I left home and I finish my first transfer tomorrow!! We had a transfer meeting this week with all the new bee's and their trainers! It was so incredible!! We went to the church that is right by the Birmingham Temple! At the end of the meeting we watched a video of Elder Holland speaking about Christ and missionary work. It played videos of the Saviors life with all the miracles He did and His Crucifixion. At the end we went to the temple grounds and wrote our "missionary constitutions". Promising to ourselves who we would be through out our missions!

Sister Brown and I were Companions in the MTC!
In the video, Elder Holland said "Why does it have to be so hard? Why don't people just flock to the font and accept the truth." He then states "It has to be hard! Because salvation isn't an easy price to pay. Why would this be easy for us when its his work and it was so HARD for Him?"

I just want to end with this, when life seems to hard, turn to Him! When you try so hard to follow God and things just aren't working out, trust Him. And when you are being torn down by the advisory, know that you are standing shoulder to shoulder with the Savior.  For he truly has felt the hard, perfectly followed God while being despised and was torn down lower than we can imagine.

He did this all, for US! He did it for them and He's done it for me and He did it for YOU!  Just remember that he is there. Hard times will come and you can press forward knowing He is walking with you the whole time.

My Savior has become so real to me this week because I know I need Him. I can't do this without Him! He has made the way possible for me to change and become better. I'm eternally grateful for Him!

I know Jesus Christ lives! I know my Father in Heaven sent Him to be our Savior. I know the minute you come unto him your life will be changed, you will become something much greater than you could ever imagine!

I love y'all so much! I hope y'all have a great week and truly come to know who your Savior is!

We went to Five Guys because I needed some Fries...LOL
-Sister Schultz

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