Monday, July 16, 2018

Week Four-- Cullman Alabama

A watermelon a nice man gave to us at the Farmers Markets

Hello mom and dad!!! 

Yes I am alive!!! Today is my P-Day so I can email! Not very long, because President doesn't want us spending all day on email.  

So I'm in Cullman, Alabama and let me just say it's a MIRACLE place! I've seen so many in the past few days I can't even believe it!  My prayers at night are at least 30 minutes long! 

Sister Clifford and I trying to ride bikes....did not work!!
I love my companion, she is the greatest human I could ever ask for!! She is just like me and it blows my mind!! She teaches me so much and pushes me to be the best missionary I can be!! I love her!!

We have 8!!!!!! People on date for baptism and we have a family of four kids we are teaching and 4 new Potential investigators we found Saturday and it's just such a blessing! 

I got my bike! Its sooo nice holy cow! We don't use them because we have a car! BLESSED! We rode yesterday to save miles and let's just say its kinda hard. (Haha) I have tons of battle wounds (Haha). 

I miss you guys, but I'm so happy I'm here!! I couldn't imagine my life not serving! Its forever changed me and I can't wait to keep going! 

Our cute apartment!! 
The sweetest kids we met tracting
 who wanted to be our BFF's
We use Facebook only for our missionary purpose! So I don't follow any of you but you can still follow me! I can get messages but I won't respond! 

The weather is definitely hot and humid but it is what it is so I try not to stress about it! 

The people here are so amazing! Everyone talks to us and is so kind.   Even if they don't care what we say,  they still are nice so don't worry about me!   They also love to give us stuff and discount things for  us!! 

It's crazy the poverty that some people are in here though! Wow they are so dependent on the government and it's so sad! There are some that are a little slower,  yet when it comes to the gospel everyone can make sense of it and we are all on the same level! 

I love it here!! The ward is great! They all ask me how long I've been out here and think for sure it's been a year or more hahaha I was just born to be a missionary! 

-Sister Schultz

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